Meghan Jeffres, Pharm.D. obtained her doctor of pharmacy degree from the University of Wyoming School of Pharmacy (Laramie, WY). After graduation she completed a pharmacy practice residency with Intermountain Healthcare (Lake City, UT), followed by a pharmacy specialty residency in infectious diseases at Barnes-Jewish Hospital (St. Louis, MO). Dr. Jeffres is currently at the University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy (Aurora, CO) where she teaches infectious diseases, global health, and clinical decision making. Her practice site is the University of Colorado Hospital (Aurora, CO) where she precepts pharmacy students and pharmacy residents on an internal medication rotation.
Dr. Jeffres areas of research include: infectious diseases patient outcomes, antibiotic stewardship, antibiotic adverse reactions and allergies, and active learning.
You can find her on Twitter @PharmerMeg.