Originally from Staten Island, NY, Ralph Reyes graduated from Northeastern University’s School of Pharmacy (Boston, MA) in 2018. He is a Brother of the Beta Chi Chapter of Phi Delta Chi, Professional Pharmacy Fraternity and has served as the Worthy Prelate, Worthy Chief Counselor, Worthy Inner Guard, North East Regional Correspondent, and Grand Vice President for Student Affairs. Ralph is an inductee into Phi Lambda Sigma, Pharmacy Leadership Society and has served as the Gamma Kappa Chapter’s Historian and President. He is also an initiate into Rho Chi, Honor Society.
Ralph is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Alnylam Pharmaceuticals through the Northeastern University Fellowship Program, working in the Medical Information group within Medical Affairs. He is also training for a role as a per diem clinical pharmacist at Shriner’s Hospital for Children. Outside of the professional world, Ralph enjoys the beach, cooking, and eating ice cream.
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