Dr. Bruce M. Jones is an Infectious Diseases Clinical Pharmacy Specialist practicing in the Savannah City-Wide Antimicrobial Management Program. He also serves as an Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor for the University of Georgia College of Pharmacy and a Clinical Preceptor for Mercer University, University of Georgia, and South University Schools of Pharmacy.
He received his Doctor of Pharmacy degree from East Tennessee State University Gatton College of Pharmacy in Johnson City, Tennessee. He then completed a Postgraduate Year One (PGY1) Pharmacy Practice Residency at St. Joseph’s/Candler Health System. Dr. Jones is a member of IDSA, GSHP, ACCP, and the Southeastern Research Group Endeavor (SERGE-45). He is board certified in Pharmacotherapy (BCPS) and has completed the Advanced Antimicrobial Stewardship Training Program through MAD-ID.
You can Dr. Bland him on Twitter: @Bruce_M_Jones