Debra A. Goff, PharmD, FCCP, is an Infectious Disease Specialist and past program director of the Infectious Diseases Residency at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center (OSUWMC) in Columbus, Ohio. Dr. Goff is a founding member of the Antimicrobial Stewardship Program (ASP) and leads the research program for the Department of Pharmacy. She serves on the OSU “One Health” ASP committee that brings together human and veterinary medicine, agriculture, and public health experts. She is one of ten OSU faculty selected to receive TEDx speaker trainer to provide community outreach talks on antibiotic resistance. Dr. Goff received her bachelor of pharmacy degree, Doctor of Pharmacy degree, and performed her Pharmacy residency at the University of Illinois at Chicago.
She is a faculty member of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacist’s National Antimicrobial Stewardship mentoring program that provides on-site mentoring to help clinicians learn how to achieve excellence in their ASP. She is also a faculty member and international advisor to the Federation of Infectious Diseases Society of South Africa (FIDSSA) educating and mentoring South African health care providers about stewardship. She is the 2014-2016 recipient of an OSU Outreach and Engagement grant to provide training and mentoring to South African pharmacists. She received the 2016 OSU Emerging International Outreach Award for her work in South Africa. Dr. Goff has lectured in six continents and every state on various ID topics. Her extensive travel provides her the ability to meet antimicrobial stewards from around the world.
She uses Twitter to engage, educate, empower and unite the global efforts of antimicrobial stewards. She teaches a social media workshop for healthcare providers titled “How to Use Twitter for Antimicrobial Stewardship” and is currently studying “Engaging Surgeons in Antimicrobial Stewardship Using Twitter”. She also is involved in the national research initiative with Making a Difference Infectious Diseases (MAD-ID).
Dr. Goff incorporates new technology to create useful tools to educate health care providers. She developed a web-based “app” for OSUWMC called STAB-IT (Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia – is terrible) to help guide clinicians on the management of patients with S. aureus bacteremia. She developed and co-authored 2 apps in the Apple & Google Store called Management of Candidemia and Management of Invasive Aspergillosis and Rare Molds in a Stewardship Era. She published an iBook for the iPad titled “Infectious Diseases: There’s an App for That” to provide a free global educational tool for stewardship programs worldwide.
She has received numerous research grants and lectures both nationally and internationally. She has published in several journals, including Lancet ID, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, and Pharmacotherapy. Her research interest includes antimicrobial resistance, application of rapid diagnostic tests, clinical outcomes, and innovative ways to educate using technology. She is an active member of IDSA, ACCP, ASM, SIDP, past board member of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID) and board member of Making a Difference Infectious Diseases (MAD-ID).
You can find her on Twitter @IDPharmD