In this article five tips for incoming PGY2 pharmacy residents is provided. Authored by: Timothy P. Gauthier, Pharm.D., BCPS, BCIDP Article posted: 12 May 2023 The ASHP pharmacy residency match phases 1 and 2 have come to a close. Pharmacy residents are headed for their second year of training and are now lined up to land at the (likely) final … [Read more...]
Reality Versus Expectation: Being A PGY2 Health-System Pharmacy Administration Resident
In this article a former PGY2 health-system pharmacy administration resident reflects on how his expectations compared to the realities he experienced in completing this type of post-graduate residency training. Authored By: Jairus K. Mahoe, PharmD, DPLA [Last updated: 20 October 2018] We need leaders. The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated … [Read more...]
So…You’re An APPE: A PGY1’s Reflection About The Road To Residency
The road to residency can be a bumpy one, so being prepared before you go through the process can make a world of difference. In this article a pharmacist who recently ran the "residency process gauntlet" provides guidance for those who seek to follow a similar path. Authored By: Meagan Adamsick, Pharm.D. Mentored By: Erin McCreary, Pharm.D., … [Read more...]
Preparing For Phase 2 Of The Pharmacy Residency Match
The pharmacy residency match is an imperfect and complicated process. This article identifies relevant information for those who find themselves in phase 2 of the pharmacy residency match process. Authored By: Alexas Polk, Pharm.D. The profession of pharmacy is ever evolving and with the advent of provider status on the horizon, additional training … [Read more...]
Pharmacy Residency Interview Tips For Success
Pharmacy residency interviews can be stressful and downright overwhelming. To assist residency candidates in navigating the interview process successfully, the following pharmacy residency interview tips are provided. Authored By: Timothy P. Gauthier, Pharm.D., BCPS-AQ ID Navigating the pharmacy residency interview process is largely uncharted … [Read more...]